6 Foods That Can Aggravate COPD Symptoms
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) is a progressive disease that causes irreversible lung damage. People with COPD usually experience breathlessness and frequent wheezing, coughing, and chest infections. There is no way to cure COPD, but medication, therapies, and dietary changes can help manage the symptoms. While some foods provide relief, certain others can cause flare-ups. Here are a few foods you should leave out of your diet, as they can trigger COPD symptoms:
Brussels sprouts
Cruciferous veggies like Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale have tons of nutrients, but they also have high fiber content. The fiber content can cause gas, bloating, and indigestion, which can lead to breathing difficulties and cause complications. While Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous veggies are essential for good health, try to replace these with other nutritious foods or ensure that you consume limited portions.
Containing a high percentage of caffeine, coffee can interfere with COPD medications. Plus, caffeinated beverages like tea, hot chocolate, soda, and chocolate milk can cause acid reflux, blocking the esophagus. All these can make breathing difficult and lead to wheezing and persistent coughing, triggering COPD symptoms. One can opt for non-caffeinated beverages like infused water, natural fruit juices, and herbal teas instead.
Cured meats
Cured meats contain nitrates, which can aggravate COPD symptoms. Foods like hot dogs, cold cuts, bacon, and ham are triggers for COPD symptoms, as they also contain additives and preservatives to increase their shelf lives. Eating these in high proportions is unhealthy for the lungs, and these foods are also rich in cholesterol and calories. These can contribute to weight gain, worsening COPD symptoms.
French fries
Eating French fries can cause digestive issues as they are greasy, and fried foods like French fries, fried chicken, and onion rings are also packed with unhealthy fats that take longer to break down. This can cause bloating and acid reflux. Deep-fried junk food can have a gassy effect on the digestive system, resulting in pain and breathing difficulties. Plus, the unhealthy fats contribute to weight gain, which aggravates COPD.
When milk is broken down by the body, one of its compounds (casomorphin) increases mucus and phlegm production. Under normal circumstances, excess phlegm and mucus is expelled from the body through coughing, but coughing adds to the discomfort of COPD patients and can also trigger other COPD symptoms. Additionally, milk contains lactose that causes gas and bloating, which can worsen the symptoms.
A diet high in sodium or salt causes water retention in the body, which can lead to breathing difficulties. Besides, salt substitutes are not recommended for COPD patients because they contain high amounts of potassium, which can react with COPD medications. Instead, one can use salt-free spices and herbs to add flavor to food.