7 Essential Oils That are Safe for Dogs
Essential oils can be really useful for dogs, whether it is to help with arthritis pain or to deal with separation anxiety. However, not all essential oils are safe for your furry one. Some are toxic and cause allergies and reactions. There are a few oils that are okay to use for dogs. Consult the vet if you use any essential oils for pets. This is because not all pets will experience or react in the same way.
Cardamom oil
Oils with cardamom are known to have a diuretic effect. Also, it aids in dealing with appetite loss. If your dog has colic, nausea, or heartburn, cardamom oil can be useful. Moreover, this oil has antibacterial properties. It can also be used to get relief from cough.
Chamomile oil
While chamomile tea is a popular calming beverage among humans, it is similarly effective for furry pets. Chamomile oil is useful to calm down an annoyed or irritated puppy. Also, if your dog has an upset stomach, this oil can work wonders. Dogs that are shy, reticent, or fearful, may get some reassurance from the scents of chamomile oil.
Eucalyptus oil
Known to be one of the most gentle essential oils, eucalyptus is well-tolerated by pets. The eucalyptus radiata type is one of the most versatile ones. It is known to be an effective flea repellent. Moreover, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well.
Ginger oil
Soothing ginger tea is always recommended for humans for tummy problems or for common flu. In a similar manner, ginger oil has a calming effect on dogs as well. Always pick ginger oil with fresh and warm scents. Also, make sure it smells a bit spicy rather than musty. The scent of ginger oil can be effective in dealing with indigestion and motion sickness. Moreover, a massage with this oil can give relief from arthritis, sprains, and dysplasia.
Lavender oil
A universal oil, lavender has reassuring and healing scents. The use of lavender has been known to be effective in the case of allergies and insomnia. If your dog experiences car ride anxiety or even motion sickness, lavender-based oils can be helpful.
Marjoram oil
The sweet variant of marjoram oil has a calming and pleasing scent. Moreover, its fragrance has a smooth herbal scent as well. It is safe to use in essential oil blends instead of tea tree oil. This oil has been known to be helpful in dealing with bacterial infections. Moreover, it is an effective repellent against fleas, ticks, and insects.
Myrrh oil
Myrrh oil has a pleasant earthy scent that exudes warmth for humans as well as dogs. It is known for its anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also an effective flea repellent. Puppers that are teething can be soothed with this oil. It is also useful in dealing with skin irritation. At the same time, it is known to give a boost to your dog’s immune system.