7 Human Foods Pets Should Avoid
We love our pets so much that we often unknowingly harm them by feeding our foods. Yes, certain foods that we eat can be harmful to our pets. To avoid this, here is a handy list of food items to avoid that will help you keep your pet safe and healthy.
Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are harmful to your pet. Why? Well, because every part of a citrus plant and fruit contains citric acid. This element can cause irritation in the digestive tract and even depress the central nervous system if consumed in small amounts. Large amounts of such fruits are best avoided.
While ingesting coconuts may not harm your pet, it can lead to troubles with the digestive tract. Stomach upsets, runny stools, and even diarrhea are common signs and symptoms of ingestion of coconut or coconut oil. Coconut water should also be avoided as it contains high levels of potassium.
Grapes and raisins
While no one knows what toxic elements are present in grapes, their ingestion can cause kidney failure. This human food can be harmful to pets and should be avoided.
Avocados make for delicious spreads. But, it is best not to give them to your pet pooches. They are toxic to a whole load of animals including rabbits, donkeys, horses, and even sheep. Avocados can also affect birds. It causes cardiovascular damage. In ruminants, it causes swelling in the head and neck.
Well, we all know about chocolate and its toxic effect on animals. Chocolate contains a substance known as methylxanthines. When chocolate is consumed by pets, it leads to vomiting, diarrhea, trouble breathing, excessive thirst, and hyperactivity. It also causes tremors and an abnormal heart rhythm that can be fatal. This substance is found in the cacao seed from which chocolate is made. This same seed is used to make coffee.
Dairy products
A lot of individuals think that dairy products are good for pets, but that is actually not true. This is simply because a lot of animals do not possess the enzyme lactase that can be used to break down lactose in the body. Due to this, any dairy product leads to upset tummies, vomiting, and even diarrhea.
Nuts are another human food that is harmful to pets. These nuts contain high amounts of oils and fats that are toxic to animals. They can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even pancreatitis when consumed in large amounts. Macadamia nuts especially can lead to weakness, depression, vomiting, and even hypothermia in dogs. These signs can be seen within 12 to 48 hours of consuming these nuts.
Apart from the mentioned human foods, you should be careful about xylitol, salty and sweet foods, undercooked or raw meats, yeast, alcohol, and other foods that could harm your beloved pet. If your pet has eaten any such food items, it is best to get them to the vet immediately.